Minecraft ABC's Free Cross Stitch Pattern

Download the PDF file for free here to get stitching!

Minecraft is one of the best games I have played, in terms of allowing you to run away with your imagination.  My entire family plays, even my three year old twins enjoy it.  Twinkie L loves it so much, she has a stuffed creeper, skeleton and ender dragon she sleeps with.  It's pretty adorable. This particular pattern was pretty much a pain to come up with - but I was determined!  The ABC's ended up being as follows:

A - Axe
B - Bucket
C - Creeper
D - Diamond
E - Enderman
F - Fence
G - Ghast
H - Hoe
I - Ink
J - Jukebox
K - Kitten
L - Lava
M - Melon
N - Netherrack
O - Orange tulip
P - Pig
Q - Quartz
R - Redstone
S - Sword
U - Unbreaking enchanted book
V - Villager
W - Water
X - X-axis
Y - Yellow dye
Z - Zombie

Yeah, I know.  Some of them are stretching it a bit.  But the entire alphabet is a challenge!  And when some admirer gazes at your beautifully stitched ABC sampler and asks what each letter stands for, you can sound like a super genius and tell them each one!

This I would recommend for someone a bit more advanced.  It isn't rocket science, but it is a bit time consuming.  This contains both full stitches and back stitch, uses 52 colors, and is about 7x8.5" on 14 count aida.

This is a free cross stitch pattern download for public use, not intended for sale or resale. This is a fan made creation for everyone to enjoy!

Happy stitching!

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